Mayet Blog

Securing Success: Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus

Published: 2024/03/27 Last updated: 2024/04/23 By: Neyts Zupan
Securing Success: Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus featured image

Elevating Our Security Commitment: Mayet Achieves Cyber Essentials Plus Certification We’re proud to announce another significant stride in our ongoing journey towards unparalleled security and compliance: Mayet has been awarded the Cyber Essentials Plus certificate. This achievement not only elevates our security posture but also reaffirms our unwavering commitment to safeguarding the data that fuels […]

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Vendor Onboarding: Best Practices for Digital Integration

Published: 2024/03/13 By: Tom Lazenby
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The integration of digital solutions is critical for organisation success and efficiency, particularly with the growing number and variety of systems available. The prospect of onboarding new vendors and ensuring seamless, robust and compliant software integrations can often seem daunting to pharmaceutical companies. The fear of non-compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GxP) regulations, coupled with […]

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Critical to Quality Factors and Vendor Oversight

Published: 2024/03/06 By: Tom Lazenby
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A Systematic Redirection Towards Proactive Management Integrating risk-based quality management, and identifying and managing critical to quality factors has become a core activity of successful trial delivery. If you’re part of a clinical trial team or a clinical trial Sponsor organisation, you’re likely aware of the challenges and problems that accompany the requirements of vendor […]

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GxP Validation: Mayet’s Path to Excellence in QA Testing

Published: 2024/02/28 Last updated: 2024/04/23 By: Neyts Zupan
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Setting the Scene In the rapidly evolving landscape of computerised systems within regulated environments, the importance of rigorous Quality Assurance (QA) testing of GxP computerised systems cannot be overstated. As we navigate through the intricacies of Computer System Validation (CSV) and the emerging focus on Computer System Assurance (CSA), it’s crucial to understand the fundamental […]

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80/20 of web accessibility for web apps

Published: 2024/02/21 By: Dejan Murko
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Accessibility is not a popular topic in technology, but it’s one of the most important if you want to ensure everyone can use your web app. Our goal with our first accessibility review and improvements was to fix the obvious issues (that are sometimes not that obvious) so that our app is, at the very […]

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Enhancing Clinical Trial Partnerships through Effective Financial Analysis

Published: 2024/02/14 By: Tom Lazenby
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Marked by increasing intricacies and soaring costs, clinical trials are always changing. In this landscape, the selection and management of vendor services stand out as a key element in enhancing operational efficiency and controlling expenditures. This blog post is intended to unpack the financial implications of vendor contributions in clinical trials, highlighting the potential of […]

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A Practical Guide: Strategic Digital Integration in Clinical Operations

Published: 2024/02/07 By: Tom Lazenby
A Practical Guide: Strategic Digital Integration in Clinical Operations featured image

The evolution of clinical trials, characterised by increasingly complex trial designs and regulatory frameworks, requires a strategic approach to digital integration. As digital tools become more prevalent it is important for organisations to adopt technologies thoughtfully to enhance efficiency and remain competitive. Maximising Value through Strategic Investments A critical first step in digital integration is […]

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RBQM: Surgical Precision in Vendor Management

Published: 2024/01/31 By: Tom Lazenby
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A Surgical Approach to Efficiency and Compliance The objective when delivering a clinical trial is to not only reach the goal but to complete with surgical precision. Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) is an instrumental framework, often not considered in the processes of clinical trial vendor management. Adopting RBQM enables a broad-stroke strategy to a tailored […]

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A New Milestone in Security Excellence: Mayet Earns the Cyber Essentials Certification

Published: 2024/01/24 Last updated: 2024/03/28 By: Neyts Zupan
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UPDATE: Exciting News! Mayet is now Cyber Essentials Plus certified, enhancing our security qualifications to accredited by via an independent auditor. Demonstrating our commitment to securing our client’s data and our software system. Read more about our journey and what this means for our partners. At Mayet, our commitment to security and compliance is unwavering. […]

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Mayet is proud to welcome a new Advisor and team member into the fold

Published: 2024/01/15 By: Tom Lazenby
Mayet is proud to welcome a new Advisor and team member into the fold featured image

Chris Shepherd on joining Mayet as an Advisor: “I am very excited to have been approached by Mayet to join as an advisor. Mayet has recognised a market need for an integrated software tool tailored to the biopharma industry. This tool will consolidate quality and performance KPIs, audits, risks, and various issues from multiple therapy […]

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