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Live Webinar: Unveiling the Fire Triangle of Clinical Trial Vendor Management with Mayet

Next webinar: TBA

Join in the innovation and strategy discussion with Mayet's upcoming live webinar. We invite you to explore the challenges and solutions of vendor management in clinical trials. It's an opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, share experiences, and gain practical insights into navigating the complexities of vendor management.

Your Facilitator for the Day

Tom Lazenby

Tom Lazenby

Founder & CEO

Engage with Tom and fellow attendees in a supportive dialogue that provides insights and best practices on clinical trial quality and operations.

Mayet isn't just about solutions—it's about fostering conversations, bridging gaps, and pioneering discussions in vendor management.

Uncover the Insights Awaiting in the Webinar

Exploring the Fire Triangle: An in-depth look at the core of successful vendor management in clinical trials, including:

  • Spotlight on Challenges: Share and discuss the current obstacles and complexities you face in vendor risk management.
  • Communication: effective communication techniques.
  • Process Optimization: how structured processes can drive continuous improvement.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: how data acts as the oxygen of vendor management.

Interactive Discussions: Share your challenges and experiences, engage in discussions on best practices, and connect with fellow professionals to enhance your understanding of vendor management.

Mayet's Innovative Approach: Gain insights into how Mayet tackles the challenges of vendor management with cutting-edge solutions and strategies.

Webinar agenda